Portland Oregon’s Own Nerdy Trio

Howdy, y’all

Hello you people! Are you interested in songs about nerdy stuff like Star Trek and Miyazaki movies and mental health? Sure, we all are!

The three of us share the writing, and since we have plenty of interests that don’t overlap, we cover a lot of ground. We love singing harmony, so you can expect a lot of that.

Live shows? Well, there’s this thing going around that we are trying to avoid. We’re all vaccinated, so if we do get it we are in better shape, but we prefer not to test that out, so please mask up with us! We are starting to do more live appearances, so keep your eyes open (or go here)! We also do online stuff via YouTube, TikTok, Facebook etc. which you can find out about if you follow us on those apps (or visit our Linktree).

We’ve been in the filk game for over a decade now, and we hope you find something to connect with in our music.

Our Latest News:

  • DragonCon Complete!
    Well, we’ve returned from Atlanta after another amazing stint as a House Band at DragonCon. Arriving Thursday, leaving Monday, and nothing but fun (and hard work) in between. Four days, four shows, including the Solve For X Science Variety Show’s tenth anniversary and an adult show for the filk track. We got to meet lots
    Can it be?? The PDX Broadsides playing live again?? Your eyes are not deceiving you, friends – we’re getting out there again! We’re vaxed to the hilt and our mask discipline is on point, so we’re gonna get out there. We really hope to see you soon! Not ones to do anything by half measures,
  • Make Music Salem 2024
    Hey folks – we played in Salem Oregon for MakeMusicDay, and it was HOT. Lots of fun, though! Check out three of the songs we played here.
  • Or-E-Con Show Rebroadcast!
    Since there’s still a virus mutating and running rampant across the world, Orycon (our local SFF con) allowed folks to record their performances for the 2022 convention. We took that and ran with it, doing an intimate concert as if you were at a rehearsal. Then when we thought about the opportunity to do what

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