Video: “Rolling In The Sheep”

One day, as we were combing the internet for Marie Curie/Nicolas Copernicus fanfic, we happened upon the website of YA writer Michelle Proulx. She had written a parody of “Rolling In the Deep” about the game Settlers of Catan, and that was even more interesting to us than time-traveling science love stories.

We asked her kindly if we could adapt her lyrics to our own purposes, and she graciously agreed. The first performance of “Rolling In The Sheep” was at our TARDIS Room show, and the second was Conflikt Filk Convention in Seattle, which the talented K Wiley filmed.

Behind the scenes bonus: Christian accidentally put his capo (metal guitar thingy) on one fret higher than it was supposed to be, so Jessica deftly adapted to the higher key – what a pro!

Buy the whole concert from K Wiley for only $5!